Monday 23 February 2009

Glyder Fawr, Glyder Fach and a couple of other places we didn't intend to go to!

9:30am Sunday morning and three intrepid men (and a couple of doggies) set of for a jolly tour around the Glyder horseshoe walk. Aim was to reach the 999m of Glyder Fawr.

Weather at the bottom was cool but the tops were clearly in the cloud.

Scrabbling up the wet rough scree to the top of Glyder Fach was the first real test of the legs and boy was it hard work! Wet, slippy, snowy and a real slog. Top was completely misted over but we managed a few photos on the Cantilever rock at the top. Had lunch and picked up a couple who weren't sure where they were going (and we had two maps so we must know!).

Lunch was a very cold affair but Mr Williams managed to sneek a can of Guinness in (kept that one quiet!).

After lunch we headed for the main peak with the other couple in tow. An hour later we were back at the same point after having veered off the wrong way - it really was very misty!

Still we got back on course again and for a brief moment the top halves of our bodies were more than 1km above sea level (bit of a stretch for Mr Williams!).

That's when the land decided that it wasn't going to match what was shown on the map. After walking downhill for what seemed a very long time, the mist cleared and in front of us was a road that wasn't supposed to be there! The options we had were to traverse a really dodgy scree slope or walk back up. It was 3pm by now and my legs were certainly attuned to the back seat of the car and the last thing they wanted to do was to go back up again. Sadly and painfully, it was really the only choice. So we (well me at least) pushed through the pain barrier and we headed back up. After a mega-windy section we found the right path and headed down (big relief and we didn't need to call out the mountain rescue as the couple had suggested - last time they tie themselves to people with two maps!)

It was clearer later on and got a few reasonable pics of the lakes on the way down.

The good news was that this was a really good test for my knees. I had a nagging worry at the back of my mind that I was going to get the same problems as I had had in the Lakes last year, but they held up well and whilst a bit stiff the following morning there was no real pain - hoorah!

Lots more pictures at and I know Marky Mark has more as well.

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